Bibliography of sexual humor '''Sexual humor'''
(erotic humor) consists of jokes of sexual / erotic content or intent. "Erotic
humor is far & away the most popular of all types [of jokes], and an extremely
large percentage of the jokes authentically in oral circulation, in this and
apparently in all centuries and cultures, is concerned with the humor ... of
the sexual impulse."<ref>Legman 1968, pp. 9-10</ref> ==Literature==
===Manuscripts in English=== *"''A Treasury of Erotic and Facetious Memorabilia''
[America, about 1910? -- Kinsey Library]" *"''Anecdota Erotica, or Stable Stories''
(New York, 1924 -- NYPL : 3*), compiled by the American philologist, Frank J.
Wilstach" *" ''"Unprintable" Ozark Folklore'' volumes (1949-57 : Library of
Congress, Music Division) of Vance Randolph" *"Idaho ''Barnyard'' collections
(1952) of Kenneth Larson (Indiana Folklore Archive)" *"''Union Jack'' (Chelmsford,
Essex, 1954)"<ref>Legman 1968, p. 24</ref> *Cri, LeDernier, and
D. Letzte Schrey. "Untitled Manuscript". Rome. 1954. ?. Manuscript. *Crist,
Clifford M.. "Own Fabrications". ?. Manuscript. *"Crist College Collection".
1948. Manuscript. Collected by Clifford M. Crist from 1937-48. *Crowley, Aleister.
"Limericks from the Diaries". London. 1954. Manuscript. Prepared by Gerald Yorke.
*"Harrison Manuscript". 1947. Manuscript. *"Johnson Manuscript". Arlington,
VA. 1959. 64. Manuscript. ===Published writings in English=== *"the erotic British
magazine, ''The Pearl'' (1879-1880)" *"''Forbidden Fruit : A Collection of Popular
Tales'' [Scotland, about 1890, only one copy known]" *"''The Stag Party'' [Boston?
about 1888, only one copy known]" *"the unexpurgated ''Anecdota Americana'',
Series 1 and 2, of Fliesler and of Smith [New York, 1927-34]"<ref>Legman
1968, p. 23</ref> *Bryant, Samuel W.. Sea and the States. Thomas Y. Crowell.
1947. *Cleopatra's Scrapbook. Bluegrass, KY. 1928. "51 B.C." Includes pages
45A-H, a "P Ticket," and a foldover transparency of a daisy-chain. Probably
Wheeling WV. *Cythera's Hymnal, or Flakes from the Foreskin: a Collection of
Songs, Poems, Nursery Rhymes, Quiddities, etc. Oxford. University Press. Attributed
to Capt. Edward Sellon, G. A. Sala, and Fredrick Popham Pike. London, 1870.
*Douglas, Norman. Some Limericks: Collected for the use of Students, & ensplendour'd
with Introduction, Geographical Index, and with Notes Explanatory and Critical.
New York. 1928. *Folk Poems and Ballads: An Anthology. Mexico City. Cruciform
Press. 1944. Anthology. A Reynolds Morse. Cleveland, 1948. 250 copies. *Ginzburg,
Ralph. An Unhurried View of Erotica Written by Ralph Ginzburg with an Introduction
by Dr. Theodor Reik and Preface by George Jean Nathan. New York. The Helmsman
Press. 1958. *Gregory-Boomer-Fouff Collection. Washington, DC. Navy Bureau of
Aeronautics. 1944. Mimeographed. George Gregory, Paul Boomer, and Francois Fouff.
*Hall, J. Mortimer. ed.. Anecdota Americana, Second Series. Boston. Humphrey
Adams. 1934. Reprinted in paperback without illustrations as ~The Unexpurgated
Anecdota Americana~ * Harde, Dick. ed.. Lusty Limericks & Bawdy Ballads.
1956. Mimeographed. An obvious pseudonym. Probably New York. Mimeographed and
bound in a limp blue stationery store binder. *Harris's List of Covent Garden
Ladies, or Man of Pleasure's Kalendar for the Year 1793.. Edinburgh. P. Harris
Pub.. 1982. Copy in Kinsey Institute Library. *Heated Limericks. Paris. Erotica
Biblion Society. 1933. Privately printed in Havana. *Jest on Sex: Sexplosively
Sexational Sinerama of Life For He and She Ages Over Sexteen to Sexty. New York.
Encore Press. 1953. *Johnson, John Henry. ed.. Bawdy Ballads and Lusty Lyrics.
Indianapolis. Maxwell Droke Publishers. 1935. *Jones, Dave E.. A Collection
of Sea Songs and Ditties from the Stores of Dave E. Jones. c. 1928. Padlocked
through pages and canvas wrapper. *Justinian. ed.. Americana Sexualis. Chicago.
Privately printed. ?. ===Published writings in French, translations of Levantine
originals=== *''La Fleur Lascive Orientale'' ('Oxford' [Bruxelles : Gay &
Mlle. Doucé], 1882), anonymously translated from the originals by J.-A.
Decourdemanche, an even rarer English retranslation also existing ('Athens'
[Sheffield : Leonard Smithers], 1893)" *''Contes Licencieux de Constantinople
et de l'Asie Mineure'', collected before 1893 by Prof. Jean Nicolaidès,
and published ... as the opening volume of a series imitating ''Kryptádia
: "Contributions au Folklore Erotique"'' (Kleinbronn & Paris : G. Ficker,
1906-09, 4 vols.)" *"''Histoires Arabes'' (Paris : A. Quignon, 1927), ascribed
to the admittedly pseudonymous 'Khati Cheghlou,' and its sequel or supplement,
''Les Meilleures Histoires Coloniales'' (about 1935)."<ref>Legman 1968,
p. 25</ref> ===in German=== *A Collection of Limericks. 36. German. 8.5
x 11" 36pp. mimeographed sheets housed in a three tab paper binder. Contains
a selection of sexually based limericks, divided into five parts: "Curiosa
and Exaggerata; Plain and Fnacy Fucking; Miscellaneous Excreta, Masturbation
and Filth; Buggery, Sodomy and Other Pleasantries; and Temptation and Frustration,
Seduction and Rape, Bastardy, Immpotence and Whatnot". Index of Key Words.
*Golpon, Renate. Erotericks. Germany. Beruf u. Schule. 1986. 80. Hans R÷sner.
?. ISBN: 3-88013-353-0. *Hansemann, Hans. Kurfreuden, Limericks und Eroti(c)k.
Essen. Verlag U. Franzke. 1983. ?. German. ISBN 3-933236-15-0 *Lang-Goldsmith,
M.. Sex und vierzig Limericks. Hanau, West Germany. Dasien Werner. 1973. Neprakta.
?. German ===Recent (after 1960) unpublished manuscripts=== *The Boucher Collection.
Boucher's lifelong private collection of underground limericks and bawdy verses;
allegedly sold unknowingly by his estate. In the Deex Collection. *Brock, H.
I.. "Libidinous Limericks". ?. Manuscript. Henry Irving Brock. *"The Cathouse
of Time". US. c. 1965. Manuscript. John Thompson Coulthard. *Chouart, Jean.
"69 Libertine Limericks 69". n.d. Manuscript. Jean Chouart translates as John
Thomas. Eighteen typed paged numbered "Page n of 18" in upper right corner and
upper left corner clipped. Pen and ink corrections. Original in the Deex Collection.
*"Close Harmony & Barbershop Chords". Cincinnati. 1967. Manuscript. **"Corn
on the Cob". NJ. 1971. Manuscript. Carman Cobb. *Deex, Arthur. "The Edwardian
Leer". Moffett, CA. 1985. Manuscript. Purporting to be the original Lear mss.
which was later censored by his publisher. * "Harley-Davidson Manuscript". Virginia.
1969. ?. Manuscript. ===Recent published (after 1960) limericks<ref>[
Limerick (bawdy) bibliography]</ref>=== *The Adam Book Of Adult Stag Humor.
n.d. Softcover book with seven sections : "Forbidden Limericks, Dirty Old
Mans Dictionary, Shocking Songbook, Around the world Photo Album, Old-Tyme French
Postcards, Stag Party Humor and Cartoon Folio". *Adam's Sextra Laughs #2.
Knight Publishing Co. n.d. *Adam's Swinging Party Humor. Holloway House Publishing
Co. n.d. *Aldiss, Brian. "Solar System's Sexual Survey". Oxon. 1974. *Anderson,
C. V. J.. ed.. Forbidden Limericks. New York. Beatitude Press. c. 1960. *Asimov,
Isaac. Lecherous Limericks. New York. Walker and Co.. 1975. *Asimov, Isaac.
More Lecherous Limericks. New York. Walker and Company. 1976. *Asimov, Isaac.
Still More Lecherous Limericks. New York. Walker and Company. 1977. *Baker House
Super-Duper Extra Crude Song Book. Cambridge, MA. Baker House MIT. c. 1963.
*Barr, A., and A. Stav. Bawdy Limericks. Tel-Aviv. Clitoris Press. 1979. *Bashor,
Richard U.. ed.. Prime Ribaldry: An Anthology of Limericks. New York. Vantage
Press, Inc.. 1980. *The Bawd's Book: Being a Collection of Crass and Curious
Limericks and Linoleum Cuts the Former Borrowed, the Latter Originals. San Marino,
CA. Leaping Jesus Press & Pickle Works. 1965. *Bawdy Ballads. London. Anthony
Blond. 1970. *Bawdy Bedtime Bits: A Festival of hilarious, Ribald and Rowdy
Humor! Featuring: "Stories, Cartoons, Limericks, Puns, Quips, Gags. North
Hollywood". Brandon House. 1963. *Bawdy Limericks. London. Sphere. 1987.
*Bennet, "Surf". Sex Can Be Funny: The Odyssey of an Amateur Pornographer. New
York. Vantage Press. 1971. *The Best From Sex to Sexty #2: The Thing Between
Men and Women. New York. Paperback Library. 1971. *Birch, Robert W.. Improper
Limericks: An Original Bawdy Collection. Howard, OH. PEC Publishing. 1997. ISBN
1570743576 *Birch, Robert W.. Improper Limericks: An Original Bawdy Collection
[New Expanded Edition 1998]. Howard, OH. PEC Publishing. 1998. Revision of the
1997 edition. *Birch, Robert W.. More Improper Limericks: Thirty Dirty Ditties.
Howard, OH. PEC Publishing. 1998. *Birch, Robert W.. Still More Improper Limericks:
Writings of a Limerick Addict!. Howard, OH. PEC Publishing. 1998. *Birch, Robert
W. Ph.D.. Limericks for Lechers: Lascivious Lyrics, Rambling Ruminations &
Titillating Trivia. Howard OH. PEC Publishing. 1999 *The Book of Sex. London.
Whittaker & Co.. ?. Forty-one illustrations. 19 + by 24 + cm. *Bouche, Rosy.
Norma Vincent. Limericks Long and Hard. Santa Rosa, CA. Privately Printed. 1997.
"This edition, privately printed for friends of the publisher, is Limited to
26 copies lettered A to Z." *Bunbury, The Reverend Septimus, MA. The Bunbury
Book of Limericks: being a commonplace collection of that most particular form
of verse both ancient and modern. London. Queen Anne Press. 1988. *Byrnes, Pat.
Roy Turdych, World's Dirtiest Limericist -- An Anthology. Chicago. Pat Byrnes.
1997. *Catley, Douglas. A Dabble of Limericks. Whatamong Bay, Queen Charlotte
Sound, NZ. Cape Catley Ltd.. 1973. *Chaplin, Albin. 3024 Dirty Limericks. New
York. Bell Publishing Company. 1983. *Chaplin, Albin. The Dirtiest Little Limerick
Book Ever. New York. Bell Publishing Company. 1984. *Chaplin, Albin. Limericks
Ruthless & Repulsive. Sarasota. Albin Chaplin. 1993. 33. Art Nuko. Comic
book format. *The Classic Book of Dirty Jokes. New York. Bell Publishing Company.
1981. Another revision of ~Anecdota Americana~. *A Collection of Limericks.
n.d. Anthology. Probably WWII vintage in view of the Nazi, Hitler, Goering,
Hess references. A scholarly collection of oral tradition including variants.
Copy in Kinsey Institute Library. *The Compleat Limericker. n.d. *Cordwell,
Stephen. Very Rude Limericks. London. Grange Books. 1994. "Limerick consultant:
R. Pontin." Also published 1996. *Crist, Clifford M.. ed.. Playboy's Book of
Limericks. Chicago. Playboy Press. 1972. Anthology. *Crowley, Aleister. Snowdrops
from a Curate's Garden. Chicago. Teitan Press. 1986. ISBN 0-933429-01-0 Reprint
of 1904 edition. Included are stories with titles like "Juggling with Joy-jelly",
"All the world's a Brothel", many limericks, and parodies of Shakespeare (who
was born in the same county as Crowley), Swinburne, and Browning. The book was
first privately and anonymously printed in 1904 in an edition of 100 copies,
most of which were destroyed about 1926 by H. M. Customs. Privately published,
Paris. Only 100 copies printed, 1903. (sic) Reissued by Thessalonius Loyola
(Ray Sherwin), England. HB, 1981. The Teitan Press, Inc. Chicago HB, 1986. *David
M.. David P. Miller. The World's Best Dirty Limericks. Secaucus, NJ. Lyle Stuart
Inc.. 1982. Sergio Aragones. *De Witt, Hugh. Bawdy Barrack-Room Ballad. London.
Tandem. 1970. *Deer Man Antlers. Deer Man Has the Antlers to Your Horny Questions.
Martinez, CA. T S Press. 1989. Jeff Marlowe. *Derrier, London. Guy Wernham.
Crazy Changes: Limericks - Essays in the Art of the Limerick proper & Profane.
San Francisco. 1956. One hundred numbered copies. Fifteen folded typescript
stapled pages with hand-drawn can color cover. *Dom. Clarence E. Boyle. Limericks
by Dom. Santa Rosa, CA. Clarence E. Boyle. 1984. Only one copy, printed and
bound especially for Arthur Deex by Dom (Dirty old man) - in the Deex Collection.
*From Sex to Sexty for Sexty Sex!: Choicest Morsels for our Anthology of American
Humor. Fort Worth. SRI Publishing Co.. 1964. *Gasser, Ann, and Mary Ann Brandemer.
Sex is not a Four-Letter Word. Porterville, PA. A Jessee Poet Production. 1987.
*The Gentlemen's Bottle Companion: A Collection of 18th Century Bawdy Ballads.
Edinburgh. P. Harris Pub.. c. 1979. Copy in Kinsey Institute Library. *Grand
Prix Limerix: 1,001 New Limerix You Never Saw Before. Fort Worth. SRI Publishing
Co.. 1966. Bawdy. John Thompson Coulthard. Published as volume 4 of ~Sex to
Sexty~ *Hamish. James Chapman Gagetown?. Bawdy Blows: New Brunswick Limericana.
Fredericton, NB. Bawdy House Press. 1989. *Hart, Harold H.. ed.. The Complete
Immortalia. New York. Hart Publishing Co.. 1971. Lindi. Bawdy. Musical notation
by Esther Botwin. Reprinted as ~The Bawdy and the Naughty~ and ~The Bawdy Bedside
Reader~. *Hogbotel, Sebastian, and Simon ffuckes. eds.. K. D. Gott & S.
Murray-Smith. Snatches and Lays: Songs Miss Lilywhite should never have taught
us. Melbourne. 1962. 73. ?. Anthology *Jones, Baird. Sexual Humor. New York.
Philosophical Library. 1987. *Juhlen, Gerda. ed.. 4 Schock schockierende Limericks.
Frankfurt. Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag. 1974. English with German comments *Keegan,
Tom. Ed.. The Little Book of Ribald Rhymes. Oxford. Past Times. 1999. Anthology.
ISBN 0 75252 686 3 *Ledere, Richard. The Cunning Linguist: Ribald Riddles, Lascivious
Limericks, Carnal Corn, and Other Good, Clean, Dirty Fun. New York. St. Martin's
Griffin. 2003. ISBN: 0-312*31813-8. *Legman, G.. ed.. The Limerick: 1700 Examples,
with Notes, Variants and Index. New York. Bell Publishing Co.. c. 1964. 1739+.
Anthology. *Legman, G.. ed.. The New Limerick: 2750 Unpublished Examples American
and British. London. Ferndale. 1977. 2750+. Anthology. Reprinted under numerous
titles, e.g., ~More Limericks, Lusty Limericks,~ and the ~(Color) Book of Limericks~
*Legman, G.. Rationale of the Dirty Joke: An Analysis of Sexual Humor, First
Series. New York. Grove Press. 1968. *Legman, G.. Rationale of the Dirty Joke:
No Laughing Matter: An Analysis of Sexual Humor, Second Series. New York. Breaking
Point Press. 1975.