Erotic/Sexual Orgasm Mediated Via Angular Gyros of Cerebrum
[The subtle source of orgasm is in the Mental Plane-of-Existence, whence, by action of praeternatural entities (upon their arousing erotic activation by means of sensory stimulation experienced within the aitheric soul-sheath of the involved material-world mortal), it is transmitted via the Aitheric Plane-of-Existence, into the angular gyros of the cerebrum (similarly to projection of the aitheric body), whence, through activity of the cerebellum, it is relayed via the brainstem and thence via an efferent nerve of the spinal cord, either to the woman's uterus or to the man's seminal vesicles, inducing their rhythmic contractions.]
"Experienced by males and females, orgasms are controlled by the involuntary or autonomic nervous system. They are often associated with other involuntary actions, including muscular spasms in multiple areas of the body ... ."
"Brainstem Reflexes : Electrodiagnostic Techniques, Physiology, Normative Data, And Clinical Applications". MUSCLE NERVE. 2002 Jul;26(1):14-30.
"the blink reflex after trigeminal and nontrigeminal inputs, corneal reflex, levator palpebrae inhibitory reflex, jaw jerk, masseter inhibitory reflex, and corneomandibular reflex are discussed."
"Brainstem Reflex Circuits Revisited". BRAIN. 2005 Feb;128(Pt 2):386-94.
"Patients with abnormalities in all three reflexes had lesions involving the primary sensory neurons in the ventral pons, before the afferents directed to the respective reflex circuits diverge. Patients with an isolated abnormality of R1 and SP1 responses had lesions that involved the ipsilateral dorsal pons, near the fourth ventricle floor, and lay close to each other."
"Neural Control and Physiology of Sexual Function".
"Parasympathetic preganglionic neurons originate in the brainstem (cranial nerves III, VII, IX, X) and in the sacral spinal cord segments (S2-S4). ... The bladder, reproductive organs, and lower portion of the gut receive parasympathetic innervation from S2–S4."
"demonstrated with fMRI that the subjects reporting orgasm also showed activity in the brainstem solitary nucleus".
"Biology of Female Sexual Function".
"descending supraspinal modulation of female genital reflexes emanates from:
1) brainstem structures such as the nucleus paragigantocellularis (inhibitory via serotonin), locus ceruleus (norepinephrine, nocturnal engorgement during REM sleep) and midbrain periaqueductal gray,
2) hypothalamic structures such as the medial pre-optic area, ventromedial nucleus and paraventricular nucleus and 3) forebrain structure such as the amygdala."
"Brain Activity Unique to Orgasm in Women : An fMRI Analysis". THE JOURNAL OF SEXUAL MEDICINE vol. 14,11 (2017): 1380-1391.
p. 4b "During sexual arousal, multiple subcortical and cortical regions become activated. Amygdala activation at visual stimulation-induced sexual arousal was reported in women1–3 and men,1–5 and this activation was reportedly greater in men.6 Hippocampal activity was reported to increase during sexual arousal in men.7 In women and men during sexual arousal, activation was reported in the medial prefrontal cortex,3 orbitofrontal cortex,8 and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex,9 although Huynh et al10 reported that primary and secondary visual
[p. 5a] cortices became deactivated in women watching an erotic film. Other brain regions that were reported activated during sexual arousal in response to visual erotic stimulation include the hypothalamus,1,3,5,11 anterior cingulate cortex,3,5,7,11,12 and insula.3,7,11 "
p. 5b "During orgasm in men and women, activation was reported in the cerebellum,4,14–16 anterior cingulate,4,14–16 and dopaminergic pathway from the ventral tegmentum4 to the nucleus accumbens.14–16 In women during orgasm, activation was reported in the hippocampus1,2,14,15 and frontal cortex.14,15,17 Amygdala activity was reported to increase at orgasm in women1,2,14,15 but decrease during ejaculation in men.4 Temporal lobe activity was reported
[p. 6a] to decrease at ejaculation in men,18 although middle temporal gyrus activity increased.4 Activation was reported during ejaculation in the orbitofrontal cortex.4 Frontal cortical activation also was reported in women during orgasm,14,15,17,19 whereas deactivations of frontal cortical regions were reported based on PET studies20,21 and perfusion fMRI22 in men."
p. 23b "brain regions showed significantly higher activity during orgasm than immediately before orgasm ... . These included, all on the right side, the operculum (secondary somatosensory cortex
[p. 24a] regions 1–4) and the angular gyrus and the precuneus, BA 44 and 45, pre and post central gyri, and other regions of the frontal, temporal, parietal, and occipital cortices ... ."
p. 24b "several lower brainstem regions that were activated at orgasm compared with early and late stimulation (ie, ventral tegmental area, substantia nigra, dorsal raphe, and nucleus cuneiformis)."
p. 25b "Marked activation was observed in the nucleus accumbens and hypothalamus starting at the onset of orgasm and continuing during orgasm. ...
[p. 26a] Activity in these brain regions increased at different rates during late stimulation. Some regions had a high level of activity overall, including the cerebellum, lower brainstem, secondary somatosensory cortex, and frontal cortex, with further increases at orgasm. Other regions, including the paracentral lobule, hippocampus, and insula, had a
[p. 26b] steadily rising level of activity toward the onset of orgasm, with a further increase at orgasm that continued throughout the 10-second orgasm epoch. Other regions, including the amygdala, had different patterns on the left and right sides, with greater activity on the left before orgasm and on the right that increased during the middle of the 10-second orgasm epoch."
p. 26b "The present findings provide evidence that genital stimulation activated widespread brain regions in differential temporal patterns in the approach to, during,
[p. 27a] and after orgasm involving the activation of sensory, sensory integrative, limbic, motor, frontal cortical, and other neocortical regions. ... The highest level of brain activity was observed during orgasm compared with that during early stimulation and early recovery in regions that included the nucleus accumbens, insula, anterior cingulate cortex, orbitofrontal cortex, operculum, right angular gyrus, paracentral lobule, cerebellum, hippocampus, and amygdala ... ."
p. 28a "The activation in the right angular gyrus and operculum also was significant in the comparison between orgasm and recovery. The right angular gyrus has been implicated in states of altered perception (ie, “out-of-body experiences”27,28), which could be related to the “altered state of consciousness” at orgasm.29 This finding is consistent with previous studies showing right-side brain activation during orgasm30,31 ... ."
p. 29a "In addition, we found no frontal or temporal regional activity greater before orgasm than at orgasm or activity after orgasm greater than during orgasm. Rather, there were multiple regions of frontal cortical activation at orgasm, including the orbito-frontal region of the frontal cortex, an area identified as a “hedonic hot spot.”33 "
"Out-of-body experiences
Recent experiments have demonstrated the possibility that stimulation of the right angular gyrus is the cause of out-of-body experiences.[22] Stimulation of the left angular gyrus in one experiment caused a woman to perceive a shadowy person lurking behind her. The shadowy figure is actually a perceived double of the self.[23] Another such experiment gave the test subject the sensation of being on the ceiling."
{This "possibility" would be a potentially material cause thereof; whereas a subtle cause thereof would be the actual extraction of the aitheric body out of the material body, as visibly effectuated by witnessed praeternatural entities abiding on the Mental Plane-of-Existence; for, the angular gyros is functional for linguistic mentation, the which proceedeth out of that collectivity of consciousness as organized in the Mental Plane. The "shadowy person" would be a doppelganger, a shadow which lurketh in Mictlan.}