Jokes—BIBLIOGRAPHY (worldwide)


bibliography from :- HUMOR RESEARCH, Vol. = Christie Davies : Jokes in their Relation to Society. Berlin, 1998. pp. 205--28

Berninger, Ernest H. 1971 Best Australian Jokes.

Cagney, Peter 1979 The Official Aussie Joke Book.

" " " Positively the Last Official Irish Joke Book.

Clements, William M. 1973 The Types of the Polish Joke.

Davies, Christie 1978 Welsh Jokes.

Eliezer, Ben 1992 The World’s Best Jewish Jokes.

Elliot, A. & B. 1968 Best Scottish Jokes.

Ferguson, James 1968 The Wit of the Greeks and Romans.

Harvey, William 1904 Irish Life and Humour.

Hodes, Max 1978 The Official Scottish Joke Book.

Hornby, Peter 1978 The Official Irish Joke Book.

Howe, Walter Henry 1890 Everybody’s Book of Irish Wit and Humour.

" " " " Everybody’s Book of Scotch Humour.

" " " " Everybody’s Book of English Humour.

Jacobs, George W. 1903 German Wit and Humor.

Jiang, Yu Dai 1989 100 Smiles from Traditional China.

Kowallis, J. 1986 Wit and Humor from Old Cathay.

Macklin & Erdman 1976 Polish Jokes.

Schwartz, Alvin 1973 Witcracks, Jokes and Jests from American Folklore.

Shankar, Pandit 1934 Wit and Wisdom of India.

Taylor, Suzette 1906 The Humour of Spain.

Werner, Alice 1894 The Humour of Holland.

Wilde, Larry 1977 The Last Official Polish Joke-Book.

Yao, George 1946 Chinese Wit and Humor.


bibliography from other sources :-

Anderson, Jon Louis 1986 Scandinavian Humor.

Blyth, Reginald Horace 1957 Japanese Humour.

Matthews, Brander 1906. The World's Wit and Humor, Russian and Scandinavian.

Rosenthal, Franz 1976 Humor in Early Islam.

Wells, M[arguerite] 1995 Japanese Humour.