Hidden Intercourse, 16-17
Four Magical Groups in the Early 20th Century |
Hans Thomas Hakl |
445 to 478 |
pp. 445-6, fn. 3 literature of the Fraternitas Saturni
p. 445, fn. 3 |
"For more detailed information in English on the Fraternitas Saturni see [F&I] and a privately printed pamphlet by the same author, The Secrets of Fire and Ice. ... . Besides books ..., there exist seventeen mimeographed volumes of collected |
p. 446, fn. 3 |
documents and rituals, assembled by Adolf Hemberger (1929-1992) under the title Documenta et Ritualia Fraternitatis Saturni (PC). ... The first details of internal teachings leaked through in Dr. Klingsor (a pseudonym of Hemberger's), [E-M]." |
F&I = Stephen Edred Flowers : Fire & Ice : magical teachings of Germany's greatest secret occult order. St. Paul : Llewellyn, 1990.
E-M = Dr. Klingsor : Experimental-Magie : ein Leitfaden magischer Praktiken und Beschwo:rungsrituale. Freiburg : Hermann Bauer, 1967.
pp. 445-9 the Fraternitas Saturni
p. 445 |
"The Fraternitas Saturni (FS), Germany's most important magical order in the 20th century, was officially founded in Berlin on Easter, 1928. |
p. 446 |
In fact, however, the lodge had already started ... in May, 1926. The founders were the bookseller Eugen Grosche (order name Gregor A. Gregorius, 1888-1964) and four brethren. The FS derived from the Pansophische Loge (Pansophical Lodge of Lightseeking Brethren of the Orient, Berlin), led by the bookseller Heinrich Tra:nker (order name Recnartus, 1880-1956). Since 1921, Tra:nker had also been Grand Master of the O.T.O. in Germany. In 1926, ... a majority of the Pansophical Lodge's brethren left the order and became members of the ... FS. ... New members joined the order from Wilhelm Quintscher's (1893-1954) Orden mentalischer Bauherren (Order of Mental Architects) after it was dissolved in 1928." |
"The order ... still exists today. It has an initiatic system consisting of thirty-three degrees, similar to the masonic Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite ... . ... In its essence, the FS is based upon |
a gnostic doctrine according to which man is capable of discovering his inherent divinity by means of knowledge and self-realization. ... |
{to discover one's own inhaerent divinity is theosophical and veda-anta, not traditional "gnostic".} |
p. 447 |
The order is pronouncedly anti-Christian." |
pp. 446-7 "As the name indicates, the FS sees itself as placed under the sign of Saturn, which is considered to be the opposite of the Sun and implies a ... elitist approach to spiritual development." {Importance assigned to Saturn is likewise a feature of Rudolph Steiner's "Anthroposophical Society", the doctrines whereof may be more largely derived from those of the Fraternitas Saturni than from those of the Theosophical Society of Madame Blavatsky & Colonel Olcott.}
pp. 447-9 sexual magic of the Fraternitas Saturni
p. 447 |
"Sexual magic is practiced, but ... only "in order to break through the astral world and enter higher mental levels." [SM, p. 83] ... One of the main applications of sex magic in the FS consists of using the female partner as a medium to facilitate magical workings in the astral sphere. ... |
During her period of menstruation, she should furthermore be obliged to drink his sperm regularly." [SM, p. 75] |
{Wherever in the world there is a prohibition against a man's ejaculating his semen into a woman's vagina while she is menstruating, this prohibition hath traditionally implied that he ought during that period to ejaculate his semen into her mouth instead (though this fact is seldom published openly).} |
p. 448 |
"Another application of sex magic in the FS is the creation of astral beings. To achieve this goal, the magus' sperm must be combined with the female bodily fluids during sexual intercourse and collected from he vagina afterwards. ... The astral beings ... created through sexual magic |
{Although, just as souls of mortal-bodied beings are themselves aeternal (can neither be created nor destroyed), and likewise divine entities themselves are aeternal (can neither be created nor destroyed); yet nevertheless astral bodies can seem to come into existence and to vanish (though they are actually coming from and going to the "Astral Plane"), so that the illusion that "astral beings" may be created and destroyed (by means of rituals performed by mortals) may praesent itself; and such rituals may well be of a sexual nature, as described.} |
can be used for all kinds of practical magical work. For this purpose they must be "tied" to a symbol or [qabbalistic] name, that is written on a parchment saturated with a mixture of female and male fluids. [SM, pp. 80-1, 93-4] ... |
{The sorts of divine beings who might serve a sigil or written name could include a "golem" (titular 'embryo' with the word />emet/ 'truth' written on its forehead); or a bottled jinn subject to a sigil of S^lomoh.} |
This procedure for creating new astral beings with clearly defined characters must be strictly distinguished, according to the FS's teachings, from the invocation or evocation of already existing angels, demons, or other spiritual beings. |
{Inasmuch as no "astral beings" can ever be actually "created" de novo out of nothingness, the apparent contrast is really fictitious, though specious. Such supposed distinction is based on no more than on whether or not the "astral being" is willing to claim be somehow a progeny (an adoptive progeny, actually) of the mortal couple performing the rite.} |
One ritual used in this context is the so called 5 M Rite, clearly derived from the Tantric practice of consuming the five M's (mansa, meat; matsya, fish; mudra, grain; madya, wine; and maithuna, [sexual coupling] intercourse)." |
p. 449 |
"Sexual magic is also used for the activation and development of the chakras ... . For this purpose certain runic and yogic positions are prescribed. ... The magus's ejaculation must take place outside the vagina through vigorous rubbing of the penis by the female partner, while the other sisters and brethren yell ecstatically." (F&I, pp. 157-63) "The Symbolism of the Gradus Pentalphae ... contains many sigils and very explicit drawings ... . ... The text also contains "The Secret of the Sexual Power of the Magus Pentalphae," which explains a procedure through which the magus can perform the sexual act up to ten times in one session. |
It also gives advice to female holders of the degree, on how to sexually vampirize non-initiated males; these can be "thrown away like used gloves"".} |
{This sort of advice is commonplace in Taoist sexual manuals. (It is more of a way of flattering a female into imagining that she is accomplishing this, than it is any actuality.)} {The metaphor of "used gloves" which are "thrown away" would allude to modern medical/surgical rubber-gloves.} |
SM = Gregor A. Gregorius : Sexualmagie. Wolfenbu:ttel : Verlag der Freude, 1927.
pp. 450-4 Giuliano Kremmerz
p. 450 |
"Giuliano Kremmerz (pseudonym of Ciro Formisano, 1861-1930) ... has long been known in Italy ... as one of the the great figures of the Italian magical scene, next to Julius Evola (1898-1974) and Arturo Reghini (1879-1946)." "until the mid-1980's, very little was known about his sexual magic except for what he had written himself in one of his magazines, Il Mondo secreto ... (1896-1899) (The Secret World ...) ..., and ... in his Angeli e Demoni dell'Amore (Angels and Demons of Love) ... . |
p. 451 |
The teachings described in these writings explain how to induce the "lighting of a psychic fire" (pir) .... . This fire is aroused in a man and a woman by developing a very strong mutual attraction ... . The man and woman then "use" the mutual erotic "fluids" as a means to enter transcendent states. ... The procedure is reminiscent of the so-called Fedeli d'Amore of the Middle Ages". "But rumors existed about a more secret sexual teaching by Kremmerz, ... beyond what he had described in these publications. Then, at the end of the 1980's, ... a group known as Prometeo/Agape in Milan ... published the so-called "Corpus" of Kremmerz". [fn. 23 : "Kremmerz, Corpus philosophorum totius magiae. Heavily expurgated reprints of the Corpus had been around ... since 1981, when the Milan-based Association of Symbolical and Alchemical Studies Kemi published a version of it".] "Giuliano Kremmerz, whose real name |
p. 452 |
was Ciro Formisano, was born in 1861. From his childhood onward (he lived in Portici near Naples) he is ... in contact with the ... pagan and strongly anti-Christian group called Scuola di Napoli (the School of Naples). This group ... was believed to hail back to Prince Raimondo di Sangro di San Severo, Duke of Torremaggiore (1710-1771) ... . Di Sangro was the first Grand Master of Freemasonry in Naples ... . ... The Pope excommunicated him. ... Still in Naples, the famous magician ... Count Cagliostro (pseudonym of Giuseppe Balsamo, 1743-1795) ... developed his Egyptian Rites. Tradition had it that they contained secret degrees, named Arcana Arcanorum, |
consisting of a kind of internal alchemy aimed at the formation of an indestructible "glorious body" : a subtle bodily vehicle by means of which one could achieve immortality. |
{Traditional Taoist "internal alchemy" is aimed at the formation of an indestructible glorious subtle-body whereby one may achieve immortality.} |
... Massimo Introvigne has suggested [CM, pp. 164-5] that while traveling through Germany, Cagliostro may have come into contact with ... |
p. 453 |
the Asiatic Brethren." [fn. 29 : "For the Asiatic Brethren, see [J&FE], ch. III; McIntosh ..., ch. 10".] ... |
{If so, then these Taoist techniques were transmitted to Cagliostro by the Asiatic Brethren, who may have acquired them at German trading-posts in Shan-tung.} |
Cagliostro's legacy of the secret "Egyptian" degrees is said to have been passed on to three important members of an "Ordine Egizio," out of which came Kremmerz's Ordine Osirideo Egiziano. [fn. 30 : "For more details on this transmission see [AA; OOE; S-H]."] The first of these was Baron Nicola Giuseppe Spedalieri (1812-1898) ... . The second was the lawyer Giustiniano Lebano (1832-1909) ... . [AASOOE, 7] ... The third person, finally, was Pasquale de Servis (1837-1893), who lived in the house in Portici where the young Ciro Formisano grew up. |
... Formisano briefly worked as a professor of geography, and then became a journalist. ... In 1907, he moved to Ventimiglia, then to Camogli on the Italian Riviera, and from there to Beausoleil on the Co^te d'Azur, where he died in 1930." |
p. 454 |
"In 1898, Kremmerz distributed a circular letter announcing the foundation of a "spiritualistic, magical fraternity" called the Fratellanza Terapeutica Magica di Miriam (The Therapeutic Magic Brotherhood of Miriam), dedicated to the practice and study of hermetic medicine. [fn. 32 : "For the history of this order see [PAM].] Patients were cured by means of magnetic strokes and ritual prayers : by these means, the malevolent spirits, which caused all illnesses according to the fraternity's teachings, could be driven out." [fn. 33 : See Kremmerz, Istruzione Magiche, in which the editor ... of Kremmerz, Pier Luca Pierini, has reprinted Kremmerz's Bulletin "La Medicina Ermetica" (1899), with instructions for the members of Miriam. In the book edited by Agape, La Magia della Myriam, more internal instructions are given. Besides prayers, one can also find there ... the sigils of genies and angels."] |
J&FE = Jacob Katz : Jews and Freemasons in Europe, 1723-1939. Cambridge (MA) : Harvard U Pr, 1970.
McIntosh = Christopher McIntosh : The Rose Cross and the Age of Reason : eighteenth century Rosicrucianism in central Europe ... . Leiden : Brill, 1992.
AA = Giuseppe Capiferro & Cristian Guzzo : L'Arcano degli Arcani. Viareggio : Rebis, 2005.
OOE = Gaetano lo Monaco : L' Ordine Osirideo Egiziano. Bassano del Grappa, 1999.
S-H = Maddalena et al. : Sairitis-Hus. La Torcia di Demetra, 2000.
AASOOE = Gaetano lo Monaco & Vittorio Fincati (edd.) : Arcana Arcanorum : segretti dell'Ordine Osirideo Egizio. Milan : Libreria Editrice Primordia, n.d.
PAM = Ja-Hel (pseudonym of Anna-Maria Piscitelli) : La Pietra Angolare Miriamica. Viareggio : Edizione Rebis, 1989.
pp. 455-60 the contents of the Corpus philosophorum totius magiae
p. 455 |
"The first volume of the Corpus, called "Preparation," begins ... with reference to sexual union. "Whoever copulates thinks, imagines, projects the reality of his thought into the sperm. ... The female blood nourishes and feeds this image projected into the sperm ... due to her desire and voluptuousness." [Corpus I:45] The text also states that a woman can be influenced only "when she is hot."" [Corpus I:125] |
{The copulating divine couple who are most concerned with their own genital fluids are (according to the Puran.a) god Bhava and goddess Bhavani. It may be this divine couple who take such an interest in a copulating human couple as to bless and sanctify that human couple's genital fluids.} |
p. 456 |
"The second volume, called La Sofia (wisdom ...) ... discussesthe possibility of consciously separating one's soul from one's body and directing it wherever one wishes. Instructions on how to prepare talismans for protection and for accomplishing these magical aims are also given. |
The third volume, Del separando magico (Of the Magical Separated Soul) ... gives exact instructions pertaining to the practices and rituals by which one can give birth to a "glorious body," as vehicle for the voluntary separation of one's "soul." ... The first degree starts with ... breathing exercises ... . ... This time, however, another substance must be added ... : ... a ... |
dove' s egg. |
{In the rite of the Nas.uray (Manda<), the wafer of the eucharist is known as the "dove's flesh".} |
In the second degree, the male and female secretions are mixed, and the mixture is ingested together |
p. 457 |
with the egg. |
{This egg is a replica of the flying-saucers' prolate-sphairoid "mother ship"; as contrast with the oblate-sphairoid "scout ship" whose replica is the lentil ingested (together with the male and female genital secretions) in the Borborian eucharist.} |
For the third degree, this mixture must be "cooked" by the couple in three "rounds," by way of various operations of sexual magic ... . ... During this operation, the solar spiritual part of man is slowly separated from his physiological, astral, and mental components. At the same time, another "body" must be built : the so-called "glorious body" as a new vehicle that will carry the separated part corresponding to the spiritual Self of the magus." |
"In volume II of the Corpus, ... is raised ... scientific and experimental proof ... that the human soul is actually independent from the physical body and therefore potentially immortal. [Corpus II:51-2] |
p. 458 |
... this proof cannot be refuted by anyone. It is to be found in what is called Magia Avatarica : |
[quoted from Corpus II:52-3] This Magia Avatarica ... by which in a living and intelligent body the soul is separated, and inserted definitely or temporarily into another body, from which the [original] soul has been removed beforehand, |
{this is known (in flying-saucer-contactee literature) as the "walk-in"; and is one of the siddhi-s} |
or in exchange of the soul of a living body by ... a deity (numen)." |
{This is commonly known as "spirit-possession".} |
"the avataric method ... aspirant ... has to undergo a ... pact, sealed by one's semen or menstrual blood, which binds him or her indissolubly to a spirit or deity (numen) that henceforth represents one's personal "gate" to the "otherworld." ... This is why all members of the Order are known by the name of their numen : for example, Kremmerz -- or rather Kremm-Erz -- is ... the name of the numen which had taken the place of the soul of the ordinary person formerly called Ciro Formisano." |
p. 459 |
"among the various organizations deriving from Kremmerz, some consider themselves to be genuinely Christian. One such group, calling itself Ordine Essenico Occidentale (Essenian Occidental Order) was led by Erim (pseudonym of Count Umberto Amedeo Alberti di Catenaia, 1879-1938), whose pupil Paolo M. Virio (pseudonym of Paolo Marchetti, 1910-1969) is equally well-known for his abundant ... literary production." |
"It was Kremmerz himself who took the initiative to found several so-called Academies in various Italian towns (Rome, Florence, Bari). ... Thus in the Florence Academy one could find Nino Rota, who composed music for nearly all of the movies by Federico Fellini ... . |
p. 460 |
Vinci Verginelli ... headed the Academy of Rome." [BH |
"The rituals and practices of the Ordine Osirideo Egiziano are also present in France. For example there is an Ordre Souverain Interne Herme'tique d'Atoum (Sovereign Internal and Hermetic Order of Atoum, OSIHA), which has translated many manuscripts into French." [PRR&CR] [fn. 49 : "The order consists of three classes : black, white and red. The translations have appeared under the imprint of Isole'ment Silence".] |
BH = Vinci Verginelli : Bibliotheca Hermetica. Firenze : Nardini, 1986.
PRR&CR = Jean-Pierre Giudicelli Cressac de Bachelerie : Pour la Rose Rouge et al Croix d'Or. Paris : Axis Mundi, 1988.
pp. 460-5 Julius Evola & the UR Group
p. 460 |
"The Italian Julius Evola (1898-1974) ... was ... a philosopher in the tradition of Novalis, Max Stirner, and Nietzsche ... . ... Through his writings and translations, he was instrumental in making Tantrism and Zen Buddhism known in Italy ...; |
p. 461 |
and ... he was in contact with the likes of Mircea Eliade, Giuseppe Tucci, Sir John Woodroffe, Raffaele Pettazzoni, and Karoly Kere`nyi." |
p. 462 |
"Between 1927 and 1929, Evola was the leader of a ... magical group bearing the name UR". [fn. 56 : "see ["JV&UG"]. The word Ur is ... fire". {Strong's 217 />ur/ 'fire'}] |
p. 463, fn. 58 |
"essays ... from group members ... were published in monthly magazines from 1927-1929 under the name of Ur, and |
in 1929 under the name of Krur. |
{Strong's 3769 /KaRaR/ 'to whirl'. [Perhaps a reference to the "fire-whirl" deified in Taoist mythology.]} {/KaRaR/ 'saddlemaker' (MHEEHD) might allude to whirling of a lariat which is tied to a saddlehorn.} |
In the 1950's, Evola revised the contents and brought them out in three volumes under the title Gruppo di Ur, Introduzione alla magia quale scienza dell'Io." {The name "Io" would refer to Iopolis = Antiokheia (capital city of the Seleukidai) : it the <iwwah (of the <awwi^m, the "folk of destruction") known to S^lomoh.} |
p. 463 |
"Ercole Quadrelli, whose pseudonym of Abraxa appears as the author of the only two pieces on sexual magic ... in ... the collected UR essays" : "In the first piece, two operations are described ... : the magus brings a young girl into an altered state of consciousness in which she is to explore the so-called astral world and report what she sees. The second operation, uses ... explicitly love ... . ... Man and woman sit in front of each other |
p. 464 |
without moving. Loving and longing for each other ..., they reach a state of ... vertigo, described as so intensive that it cannot be imagined by "ordinary" people. ... The second essay by Abraxa and Evola describes a magical practice in which the couple engages in full sexual union. ... . ... the doctrine of UR affirms ... it is the Life which possesses us. ... |
p. 465 |
When this Life now starts to manifest during the embrace ... the magus must "surprise" her (i.e. Life) ... . The more intense the fluidic vertigo created by the erotic energy, the more likely it is that Life herself will appear ... . ... |
The Goddess of Life become the Goddess of Death when she turns around, and hence the magus |
{As many numerous occasions (mostly at B., GA) during the waking state as I have have seen one goddess or another in the room, on no such occasion did she turn around while I was viewing her : those were, however, not sexual occasions. On the one occasion during the waking state when I saw a praeternaturnal vision while I was having sexual intercourse with a woman [she apparently did not see that vision], I did see a large-sized (some 5' in diameter) globe of the planet Earth; and it is (in other circumstances) commonplace for Earth-globes to be so-constructed as easily to be turned around.} |
must spiritually withstand the tremendous fear of death that he will feel when he faces naked Life." |
{In Eskimo shamanic travel to the world of the Sun-goddess, that goddess's body is normal while she is facing the shaman; but whenever he will view her back, that back hath the horrific aspect of being without skin and without muscle, so that her internal thoracic organs are visible.} |
"JV&UG" = Renato del Ponte : "Julius Evola and the UR Group". In :- Introduction to Magic. Rochester (VT) : Inner Traditions, 2000. pp. xi-xxxviii.
Strong = Hebrew and Aramaic Dictionary of Bible Words.
MHEEHD = The Meridian Hebrew/English English/Hebrew Dictionary.
pp. 465-68 Maria de Naglowska [her biography based on SMN] & the Confre'rie de la Fle'che d'Or
p. 465 |
"Maria de Naglowska (1883-1936) ... was born in St. Petersburg as a daughter of the province |
p. 466 |
governor of Kazan. She fell in love with the violinist Moi:se Hopenko ... . ... The two lovers left Russia and settled first in Berlin, then in Geneva, where they married and had three children. Her husband ... left her and the children [infra p. 473 : "the highest sacrament of the union between man and woman is ... divorce."] around 1910 and became head of the Ron Shulamit Conservatory in Jaffa. ... . .. she left Geneva for Berne and Basel but was finally expelled from Switzerland and found refuge in Rome around 1920 ... . There she ... met Julius Evola ... . ... |
p. 467 |
But eventually she ... moved on to Paris where she arrived in 1929. ... living ... in Montparnasse, De Naglowska became well known as a teacher of Satanism ... and sexual magic in the artistic and occultist circles of that area, whence her nickname "La Sophiale de Montparnasse." Among her best known followers were the hermetic poet Claude d'Yge' (or Ige'e, pseudonyms of Claude Lablatinie`re) and the occult philosopher Jean Carteret. In cafe's -- first La Rotonde, then La Coupole, the "cafe' des occultistes", but also in Le Do^me -- she daily gathered a circle of admirers around her ... . ... And every Wednesday she gave a public lecture in the Studio Raspail, 36 rue Vavin ... . After that lecture, a ... group of followers would retire to another room for sexual ritual work ... . ... In 1932, Maria de Naglowska founded the Confre'rie de la Fle'che d'Or (Fraternity of the Golden Arrow), but she was also involved in the Groupe des Polaires, which used an arithmetic oracle at its basis.[p. 468, fn. 73 : Thimmy/Magre was "also involved with the Groupe des Polaires and wrote ... introduction to their basic text book Bhotiva, Asia Mysteriosa."] |
From October 15, 1930 until December 15, 1933, De Naglowska published a journal, La Fle`che : eighteen issues in all ... . ... |
{This journal's title 'Arrow' would allude to those of Kamadeva, or of Erot-/Cupidus.} |
p. 468 |
In 1936 ... she left Paris very suddenly, not even designating a successor in her Confre'rie. ... she went to Zu:rich ... . There she died in her bed on April 17, 1936." |
SMN = Marc Pluquet : La Sophiale : Maria de Naglowska. Paris : Ordo Templi Orientis, 1993. http://teleport.morgane.org/sophiale.pdf
pp. 469-71 literature written by Maria de Naglowska
p. 469 |
"De Naglowska compared the path taken by the initiates in her order with the ascent of a symbolic mountain, which has to be climbed under the guidance of Satan. Once they have reached the summit, they will be hanged, with their body falling down from the mountain, but they will have to ... trust Satan's promise that they will survive the ordeal. [LSR, pp. 37-8] ... While ascending the mountain, the initiates ... are also confronted with the female sex, whose task is to help them ... through special sexual rites, which are described by De Naglowska in her books." "De Naglowska ... writes ... that she acquired a Randolph manuscript in Paris in April, 1931, and that Magia Sexualis is based on ... his difficult-to-read handwritten notes. ... |
p. 470 |
Saran Alexandrian ... considers it probable that she "has ..." Randolph's teaching, ... without deforming Randolph's magical lore. ["MN&SF", pp. 190-1] ... And De Naglowska herself ... reproaches him for |
his "Hindu idolatry" and his mistaken cosmology." ["SMSF", pp. 20-1] |
{Christianity became idolatrous before Hinduism did : ancient Hinduism was entirely without idols, adopting them only late in the 1st millennium Chr.E.} {Unlike the accuracy of Hindu cosmology, Christian cosmology is grossly mistaken.} |
"Her first book after Magia Sexualis was a novel ... called Le rite sacre' de l'amour magique (The Sacred Rite of Magical Love). ... The novel tells the story of a young lady, Xenophonta, who lives in a castle |
in the Caucasus Mountains and has been promised to Satan, referred to as a "Master of the Past." |
{Various Masters of the past are described by Caucasus-born Gurdjieff in his Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson.} |
One day, she is raped by a violent Cossack ... who, however, is saved by her". |
{A similar tale is told (in a rN~in-ma novel) of lady Ye-s`es mTso-rgyal and her rapists.} |
p. 471 |
"In her second and third book on sexuality ..., she explains the aim of her religion : it consists of redeeming the Spirit of Evil ... by purifying and reconciling him through rites and sexuality. That is the task to which the "Priestesses of Love" dedicate themselves." |
[quoted from MPIS, p. 84] "In the act of love the female vibrations must procure her inner happiness and not a local pleasure ... . |
{This would describe the energetic variety of female orgasm (usually achieved by occult means -- I was acquainted with a woman who did this) involving a quivering of the thorax as a whole -- instead of the orgasm's being confined to the locality of the genitalia only.} |
Human generations start to decline when ... teaching women ... local pleasure." |
LSR = Maria de Naglowska : La Lumie`re du Sexe : rituel d'initiation satanique ... . Paris : Editions de La Fle`che, 1932.
"MN&SF" = Saran Alexandrian : "Maria de Naglowska et le satanisme feminin". Les libe'rateurs de l'amour. Paris : Seuil, 1977.
"SMSF" = Maria de Naglowska : "Satanisme masculin, satanisme fe'minin". LA FLE`CHE, no. 16.
MPIS = Maria de Naglowska : Le Myste`re de la pendaison : initiation satanique ... . Paris : Editions de La Fle`che, 1934.
pp. 472-3 sexual rites of Maria de Naglowska
p. 472 |
"One example was the Rite of the Compasses. A man or woman stood upright, and a naked priestess lay down at his or her feet at a right angle so that they looked like an open pair of compasses. |
{"Fu Hsi holds the set-square and plumb bob … as he rules the four-cornered earth, while his sister-wife Nü-wa holds the compass pointing up, as she rules the circling heavens." (T&C, p. 115)} |
The members of the group of onlookers took each other's hands in order to form a magical chain. |
"Nu:wa ... took a cord ..., then she lifted the cord" (HChM, s.v. "Nu:wa", p. 172).} |
By means of group concentration, the members of this chain then had to generate ... energy ... . Next, the priestess "drew" that energy towards herself, reinforcing it with the energy generated between her and her standing partner. |
By focusing it, a fireball of energy was ... to appear in her hands." [MP, pp. 85-6] |
{"Nu:wa melted stones" (HChM, s.v. "Nu:wa", p. 172).} |
p. 473 |
"Maria de Naglowska regarded her so-called Messe d'Or (Golden Mass) as the most important rite of all. During it, seven male officials were to make love to three priestesses, in a beautiful ceremonial setting and in public." |
T&C = Hugh Nibley (ed. by Don E. Norton) : Temple and Cosmos. Salt Lake City : Deseret Bk Co, 1992.
HChM = Lihui Yang & Deming An : Handbook Of Chinese Mythology. Oxord U Pr, 2005.
MP = Rene' Thimmy : La Magie a` Paris. Paris : Les Editions de France, 1934.
pp. 473-4 sources of the sexual rites of Maria de Naglowska
p. 473 |
"B. Anel-Kham (pseudonym of Henri Meslin, died 1948 and member of the Groupe des Polaires) |
p. 474 |
sees in De Naglowska's Confre'rie a revival of the Ce'nacle d'Astarte', a French occult group founded around 1920 by ... "adepts of the Divine Woman, third hypostasis of manifested Absolute". [Th&PMS, p. 40] |
Most probably she was also in contact with Petr Kohout (pen name : Pierre de Lasenic), who lived in Paris during this time : in a series of occult writings called |
Dragon Vert (Green Dragon) ..., |
{This may be Chinese-oriented.} |
she [M. de Naglowska] announced the publication of his book Les Rituels des Socie'te's de Magie Sexuelle (The Rituals of the Societies of Sexual Magic). [fn. 93 : "La Fle`che no. 6 (15 March 1931), p. 8. ... A Czech text called Magie Sexuelnie by Kohout has been reprinted in Prague, 1992."] |
Th&PMS = B. Anel-Kham : The'orie et Pratique de la Magie Sexuelle. Paris " Librairie Astra, 1938.
Erot- of Esalen and the Western Transmission of Tantra |
Jeffrey J. Kripal |
479 to 519 |
p. 479 Esalen Institute -- book by the author (J.J.K.)
"The multiple weavings {allusion to /tantra/ 'weaving-loom'} of the Esalen Institute in Big Sur, California ... founded in 1962 by Michael Murphy (1930) and Richard Price (1930-1985) ... I have woven elsewhere in some detail." [fn. 1 : "Kripal, Esalen : America and the Religion of No Religion."] |
p. 484 massage at Esalen
"the massage giver uses a whole variety of techniques, gently rotating or rocking a joint, stretching a muscle, kneading a sole with a thumb or finger, massaging a spinal line (never the spine itself) with the back of a forearm, massaging an ear or a scalp section". |
pp. 485-6 Bosch
p. 485 |
"Hieronymus Bosch's "The Garden of Earthly Delights," ... bizarre ... scenes were much beloved and commented on by Big Sur figures ... . Miller saw the Dutch masterpiece as a utopian image |
p. 486 |
of Big Sur (hence his book, Big Sur and the Oranges of Hieronymus Bosch). ... Heard suggested it could be read as an esoteric medieval code for kundalini-like intuitions". |
pp. 493-5 reject Christianity; reject Freudism
p. 493 |
"Vikekananda's English lectures ... reject the Christian theology of sin (and, by implication, the Christian model of salvation) and focus instead on the immortal nature of the eternal and pristine Self or atman. Hence Vivekananda's famous lines at Chicago [World's Parliament of Religions] in 1893 ... : |
"Sinners! It is a sin to call a man so. |
{Christians sin themselves in falsely designating anti-Christians as sinners.} |
Come up, Oh lions and shake off the delusion that you are sheep!"" |
{Anti-Christians ought to realize that they are meat-eaters who by all rights deserve to eat Christians, just as lions eat sheep.} |
p. 494 |
"to eat a bloody slab of fresh meat ... suddenly from his throat there bursts the terrifying, triumphant roar of a tiger. ... In this new context, ... fable becomes a powerful story of what must happen to the West". |
{Anti-Christians must roar with delight as they contemplate the prospect of devouring Christians.} |
p. 495 |
"Esalen in the early 60s ... fundamentally rejected the Christian theology of original sin, the pessimistic vision of Freudian psychoanalysis, and the surface science of Skinnerian behaviorism for the more ecstatic possibilities of ... mysticism, psychical powers (... siddhi was often invoked here), and what Abraham Maslow was calling "the peak experience." ... |
In short, it was a time for roaring." |
{The "Roaring 20s" (1920s) was an earlier "time for roaring".} |
p. 497 Woodruffe; Zimmer
"Esalen lineage can be traced back at least as far as C. G. Jung's enthusiastic reading of Zimmer ..., which was in turn inspired by Zimmer's enthused reading of Tantric texts ..., particularly ... of Sir John Woodruffe ... (with his Bengali ghost-translator, Atul Behari Ghosh) published under the ... pen-name of "Arthur Avalon." [SJW] Later ..., Zimmer became one of Joseph Campbell's earliest and most important mentors in New York in the early 1940s. After Zimmer's sudden death in 1943, Campbell edited his teacher's lectures". |
"this ... reading (... from Mircea Eliade's classical Yoga : Immortality and Freedom, to Aldous Huxley's Tantric utopian novel, Island), I would suggest". |
SJW = Taylor : Sir John Woodruffe, Tantra and Bengal. Richmond (Surrey) : Curzon Pr, 2001.
p. 498 Tantrik countreculture in the Occident
"Hence the cakras and the kundalini of Tantric Hinduism, the copulating Buddhas of Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhism, and the yin-yang icon of Taoism would come to dominate the art of the countercultural landscape." ("RO"; "HIWPC") |
"RO" = Jeffrey J. Kripal : "Remembering Ourselves : countrecultural echoes of Tantrik studies". J OF SOUTH ASIAN RELIGION 1:1 (2007).
"HIWPC" = Jeffrey J. Kripal : "Hindu Influences on Western Popular Culture". In :- Cush; Robinson; York (edd.) : The Encyclopedia of Hinduism. London : Routledge/Curzon, 2007.
ARIES BOOK SERIES, Vol. 7 = Wouter J. Hanegraaf & Jeffrey J. Kripal (edd.) : Hidden Intercourse : eros and sexuality in the history of Western esotericism. Brill, Leiden, 2008.