Dark Moon Rising, IV
IV. "Path of Service"
# |
Article |
Author[ess] |
Pages |
IV.0 |
Spiritual Submission |
[R.K.] |
283-299 |
IV.1. |
BDSM Archetypes |
[R.K.] |
301-319 |
IV.3. |
Slave Training |
[R.K.] |
329-338 |
IV.4. |
Serving a Greater Path |
Joshua |
339-345 |
IV.5. |
Dedication to Sacred Service |
[R.K.] |
347-350 |
IV.6. |
Dedication to Sacred Mastery |
[R.K.] |
351-354 |
IV.7. |
Oath {Vow} of Service |
[R.K.] |
355-357 |
IV.0 |
Spiritual Submission |
[R.K.] |
283-299 |
p. 290 the binding agent is supernatural
"As Pagans, we are here to live our spirituality". |
"the binding agent between us is not the Law of the Land, but of the Gods." |
p. 293 serve the Divine Will
"In a spiritual full-time BDSM relationship, the slave or servant ... should be asking themselves {himself or herself}, "How can I perfect this discipline of service so that it ... serves the Divine Will ...?"" |
IV.1. |
BDSM Archetypes |
[R.K.] |
301-319 |
pp. 301-2 being shadowed, and being hatted, by deities
p. 301 |
"An archetype is like the shadow cast by a particular deity or spirit. When we become subsumed into the archetype -- when we lose ourselves in it ... -- ... We get pulled into their shadow, which covers and colors us." |
"Another metaphor that we've often used[,] is referring to an archetype as a "hat," as ... generally used to refer to a conscious {deliberate} use of thar archetype, deliberately stepping into it in a way that lets it temporarily permeate you. Wearing one of these sacred "hats" ... prompts people to |
p. 302 |
respond to you as they would to that archetype. However ..., the hat can get stuck, and ... one ought to be able to find ways to take any given hat off". |
pp. 307, 314 revered teacher of an apprentice/assistant
p. 307 |
"an entirely different archetype : that of honored teacher on a path {of study} ... has caused some people to revert to ... terms like "sensei" or even Star Wars terms like |
"padawan" |
{There is such a surname in Italy, apparently an allusion to Padania (the Po river-valley).} {The language used at Padawan in Sarawak is Bidayuh.} {cf. Skt. /padavaya/ 'leader, guide, forerunner'} |
to describe the nature of this ... . This is a student-teacher relationship first and foremost, and ... both are on the same path, and ideally the apprentice will one day graduate ...; the goal is to eventually get the apprentice up to being the equal, and even potentially the superior, of the teacher." |
p. 314 |
"The Priest, or Priestess, or Shaman, or Mystic ... requires their {his or her} assistant to do a good deal of the practical scut-work of their job for them. This might be setting up altars, maintaining and fetching religious equipment, interfacing with the public ... ." |
p. 317 worshipping the deity as located in inanimate objects and in particular persons
"in some pagan groups (including some Wiccan traditions) the person invoking and/or symbolizing the god or goddess is addressed as and treated as the god or goddess, at least nominally. ... |
{This is also Vajra-yana -- especially in its Bodish forms, where humans reputed to be avatara-s of Dhyani-Buddha-s and of Dhyani-Bodhisattva-s are regularly worshipped.} |
If the top needs ..., they {he or she} can keep in mind that they are {he or she is} a walking, talking sacred object. |
{As much as the actual immaterial deities are pleased by human adoration of the icons repraesenting them, such deities are even more pleased by human adoration of any special human conventionally chosen to repraesent them.} |
Sometimes, in this situation, the top is an actual hierodule -- a slave and vessel of the Gods themselves. They may find that the deities speak through them, or that they become physically possessed by the deity. In this case, the line between worshipping the human being and worshipping the actual deity can become thin and blurry, a situation ... with ... the Afro-Caribbean faiths". |
IV.3. |
Slave Training |
[R.K.] |
329-338 |
pp. 330-1 animism {also known as "panpsychism"}
p. 330 |
"inanimate objects can have souls, can have a spirit and a character of their own. ... It's most obvious {evident} in objects from the natural world, such as water, |
{Thales, the Ionian philosopher advocating Water as the primal of the elements, asserted that [in account of Water] "all things are full of Gods" -- or, at least, of souls.} |
or fire, or rocks. |
Rocks definitely have a spirit, |
{It is commonplace, among the Sioux, for persons to dream of rocks which display their animate nature by talking to them in the dream.} |
although it's long and slow and |
p. 331 |
for them to speak a single sentence takes a century, so it's hard for us to communicate with them. ... The land beneath my feet ... most definitely has a spirit. I talk frequently to my land-wight, and I've made some rather heavy deals with it -- it runs the {protection-}wards on my land in return for attention and certain services. ... Most machined things don't have much of a spirit. Items lovingly made by hand are more likely to ... . |
But the most soul-full things of all are valued, loved, much-used tools. |
{That one's own handmade tools have indwelling spirits, is an Eskimo doctrine (or experience).} |
My guitar has a spirit ... . ... My knives have spirits. My car has a spirit." |
pp. 334-5 magic energy
p. 334 |
"If you work a spell with incorrect information about the situation, ... it might manifest in a way that you didn't expect and don't particularly like. ... In spellwork we might speak a particular word or phrase that embodies the idea that we want to put across |
to the nonverbal part our brain ... ." |
{Nay! The idea must be "put across to" the deities, or else it will have nill (zilch) effect. The most noticeably effective use for a "magic word" is during projection of the astral body (in order to control flying or other feats by one's astral body), at which time the material brain is not even in communication with one's self.} |
"Touch ... is the medium by which we usually pass energy into our tools, especially ritual tools. ... |
{The modality whereby this mechanism is able to operate is thus : within the location of the material body there are deities (according to Taoist litterature, and according to the Apokryphon of Ioannes); and those deities are the passers-on of the "energy" (which, incidentally is their own "energy" [more accurately, power], which they are lending to the mortal).} |
p. 335 |
We often have the urge {imparted by internal deities} to stroke and touch our ensouled property; it's a way of maintaining its ... bond bond with us." |
p. 337 fragment of the Spirit
"each spirit that gets into a man-made object is a tiny reflection {Polynesian /ata/, cognate with /atua/ 'god'}, a snapshot ..., an avatar of a much greater spirit. For example, my guitar's spirit is a tiny reflection of the much greater Spirit of Music." |
IV.4. |
Serving a Greater Path |
Joshua |
339-345 |
pp. 340-1 dealing with spirits &with deities
p. 340 |
"Dealing directly with spirits and otherworlds brings with it strange non-negotiable demands requirements and taboos." |
p. 341 |
"On a daily basis, I needed the knowledge of what different offerings are appropriate for Jo[,]tun, Duergar, A[`]lfar ..., and have something of the skill to put a specific kind of energy into each one [offering]". |
p. 342 sexual acts open one's self to spirits
"Besides meditating and praying, ... certain sexual activities done in a ritual context as a way to open ... to the spirits, ... gets done properly". |
p. 343 shaman[ess]'s assistant
"the shaman's calm, polite assistant explaining the wild-eyed shaman's strange behavior to the client or anthropologist ... is translator and receptionist." |
p. 343 shaman[ess]'s aberrant behaviour
"The shaman is god-possessed and throws himself into the icy river, spinning wildly, communicating with the heavens in a language which is no [humanly-recognizable] language." |
p. 345 helping to evade the government
"There have always been mystics who were cared for by a staff of servants ... . In some cases, part of the service was ... to discretely protect them from [governmental] authorities who might hear any divinely-inspired controversial words." |
{In the cases of R.K. and of others in this "Asphodel Fields" group, it could be said that their criticism of governments is insufficient (and certainly not excessive).} |
IV.5. |
Dedication to Sacred Service |
[R.K.] |
347-350 |
p. 347 eastward litany
"face the east ..., and place the blade against your forehead. |
Odhinn, All-Father, ... of the sacred Ordeal, |
Mithras whose blade cut open the heart of the bull, |
Persephone, Queen of the Dead". |
p. 348 southward litany
"Face the south ..., light the candle, ... and drip ... its wax in[to] the palm of your hand ... . |
Ninshubur, warrior[ess] servant ["maidservant" (p. 224)] of the Queen of Heaven, |
Ty[`]r, soldier ..., |
Hestia, quiet guardian[ess] of the hearth". |
pp. 348-9 westward litany
p. 348 |
"Face the west ..., and pour a libation from the cup between your thighs. |
p. 349 |
Ganymede[s], cupbearer of Zeus, |
Aphrodite, Goddes of Love, |
Inanna Queen of Heaven". |
p. 349 northward litany
"Face the north, kneel ..., touch your forehead to the earth, and then sit up and pour the grain or beans between your cupped hands. |
John Barleycorn, ... son of autumn, |
Ing {Y`ngvi}, ... god of the fields, |
Dumuzi, running prey". |
IV.6. |
Dedication to Sacred Mastery [or to Sacred Mistressry] |
[R.K.] |
351-354 |
p. 351 eastward
"stand facing the east and salute the Spirits with your blade. ... |
Oya, Lady of the wind and rain, whose fingers ... beat ... a thousand whips". |
p. 352 southward
"Turn to face the south and raise the candle ... . ... |
Artemis, Wolf-Goddess, you who protect your pack". |
pp. 352-3 westward
p. 352 |
"Turn to the west and hold the chalice to your heart. ... |
p. 353 |
Ereshkigal, Lady of the Darkness, You who hung the Queen of Heaven above your throne". |
p. 353 northward
"Turn to the north and kneel, holding the stone in your hands. ... |
Kali Ma {Kali Ma}, Goddess of Destruction, You who eat your children". |
IV.7. |
"Oath" {read : "Vow"} of Service |
[R.K.] |
355-357 |
{Proprely, these are Vows (with no poinalty for withdrawal of the subordinate party); they are not not Oaths (entailing criminal poinalties for withdrawal of the subordinate party), nor are they even Contracts (entailing civil poinalties for withdrawal of either party).}
pp. 355-7 phraseology of the vows of fealty
p. 355 |
[vowed by the humble Servant :] "By this oath, I swear to abide ... . ... |
p. 356 |
I swear that ... I shall perform whatever commands ... with alacrity and obedience, ... in ... the edicts of my Gods. ... I swear to honor ... the Will of the Gods. ... May all the Gods witness my oath." |
[affirmed by the liege Lord/Lady :] "By this oath, I accept the gift ... . I honor his/her gift of rulership over Mind and Breath. ... I will strive for insight into |
that which beats like a caged bird in my hands. |
{The S.ufi emblem, consisting in a Winged Heart; enclosed within the Jaina naks.atra-emblem the Cage for Birds.} |
I honor his/her gift of rulership over Will and Spirit. ... I will strive to be worthy of |
that which burns in my hands. |
{The Pentacostal Fire of the Holy Ghost.} |
I honor his/her gift of Heart and |
{'Heart' is hr.daya-cakra An-ahata, where /ahata/ is cognate with the name of faithful /Akhate-s/, having (Aineiid, lib. VI, ll. 156-82) "his heart no less heavy."} |
Need. ... |
{A rune, Gothic /Naut-s/, perhaps cognate with Skt. /Natha-/ 'refuge' (title of saints of the Saha-jiya, who have ascended Kun.d.alini via the cakra-s).} |
I swear to make this path of service ... perfect |
{This "service" = 'servitude' of a slave : cf. Xolotl 'Slave' (EAS, p. 350a) who owned the conch = conch-trumpet of Misenos, interred (Aineiid, lib. VI, ll. 156-82) by Akhates and Aineias.} |
p. 357 |
... . ... I swear that I will abide by this oath ... until I die, or until the world ends. May all the Gods witness my oath." |
Aineiid, lib. VI, ll. 156-82 http://www.uq.edu.au/hprcflex/lt2250/tran156.htm & http://www.poetryintranslation.com/PITBR/Latin/VirgilAeneidVI.htm#_Toc2242925
EAS = David H. Kelley & Eugene F. Milone : Exploring Ancient Skies: a Survey of Ancient and Cultural Astronomy. 2nd edn. Springer Verlag, Dordrecht & Heidelberg, 2011. http://books.google.com/books?id=ILBuYcGASxcC&pg=PA350&lpg=PA350&dq=
Raven Kaldera (editrix) : Dark Moon Rising : Pagan BDSM and the Ordeal Path. Asphodel Pr, Hubbardston (MA), 2006.