Dark Moon Rising, II

II. "S/M as Spiritual Connection"






0. Sacred Pain




1. Intimate Look at Ritual Pain

Mistress Damiana



2. Shadows of Our Future

Morning Glory Zell



3. Bondage as Spiritual Release

Bridgett Harrington



7. Chain of Command, Pt. I

Lydia Helasdottir



8. Silence

Lydia Helasdottir



9. Sacred Toys, Holy Tools




10. Incorporating Energy Work




11. Opening Up





0. Sacred Pain



p. 30 astral projecter

"he sat in a trance for ... hours, journeying out of his body.

{Ordinary projection of the astral body is virtually always done while the material body is lying down asleep, not sitting (unless, perhaps, the projecter had fallen asleep while sitting) and not merely "in a trance" (which usually cannot occur simultaneously with common astral projection). [Shamans commonly perform in trance (often standing and walking) in order to restore a lost soul, but such circumstances are not regarded as astral projection nor as soul-travel, but instead involve sending theriomorph spirit-helpers to find the lost soul-part.]}

It was a quest for a client[ess] who was missing a piece of herself. He found it, tracking down ... through the Otherworlds where[to] it had fluttered away.

{When AmerIndian soul-healing is described in this way, it is a theatrical showmanship.}

He had captured it, ...

{Typically, in shamanic practice, the capture of the soul-part is accomplished not by the shaman but by the shaman's theriomorph spirit-helpers, who thereupon put that soul-part under the shaman's control.}

letting it reenter her body. ...

His awareness was diffuse, spread beyond his body. His astral self was still finding it hard to stay confined within the flesh.

{This is never the case with ordinary astral projection, nor with any aftermath of traditional shamanic work. It is commonplace, however, as an aftermath of effects of a trance induced by psychedelic drugs, which can thus be praesumed to have been ingested by the practitioner being described.}

If he did not remedy the matter, he might wake up somewhere {in some remote subtle world} where he did not intend to go {and whence he might not be able to return alive}. ... Wordlessly, ... he allowed himself to cry out. The voice sounded like it belonged to someone else,

like it came from far away."

{When one is in a trance, everything heard may sound as if it were arriving from afar.}

pp. 33-4 quantity of whip-lashes is determined by rune

p. 33

"There is a rattle, as the stone runes are shaken in their wooden cup ... . "Tyr {Ty`r}, ... That's number seventeen," ... Each rune has a

p. 34

number of strokes ...; it is the Gods who decide".

p. 35 woman being hurt by man

"He slaps her, hard ... . Then he grasps her nipple and twists it ... . ... .

... says another voice inside her ... Hurt me, ... walk me down to the Underworld ... . ...

She is thrown down ... . He sits on her, his heavy weight holding her down."

p. 37 man being hurt by woman

"She picks up whatever it is {in the way of a torture-implement} that she's chosen ... -- and then pain lances down onto his swollen cock".



1. Intimate Look at Physical Pain

Mistress Damiana


(1st printing in WIDDERSHINS : http://www.WIDDERSHINS.org )

p. 44 antiquity of circumcision

"Royston Pike states : "Circumcision was practiced by the ancient Egyptians as far back as the Fourth Dynasty ..., and probably long before that.

{Because the government of TL-MRJ (Aiguptos) was already a repressive tyranny by that era, it would appear that the government there instituted circumcision in order to accustom men there to being oppressed, to cause them to submit to oppression more readily. [written Apr 13 2014]}

The ceremony is clearly portrayed on a temple at Thebes.

Circumcision is to be regarded as a ritual tribal mark or badge."

{Outside TL-MRJ itself, circumcision is practiced largely only in such African tribes as have instituted kingship -- which institution (along with circumcision itself) is imitated from <arabi kingdoms (which are likewise repressive tyrannies withch practice circumcision) in fear of violent retaliation by <arab kingdoms if they were to refuse to imitate the sorts of customs which were instituted by those kingdoms' governments in order to rendre the general populace more docile to tyranny. [written Apr 13 2014]}

{By concealing the true political origins of this oppressive custom, it may be implied the author (R.P.) apparently is intent of strengthening terrorist political tyrannies throughout the world.}

pp. 44-5 an oppressive Papuan custom

p. 44

"the Ibitoe from New Guinea ... use the itiburi (wide waist belt) ... . ...

{The Papuans are notorious as the most treacherously murderous people in the world. It is such oppressive customs that inures them to the intent of maltreating others. [written Apr 13 2014]}

p. 45

The tight waist training of the Ibitoe teaches them ... ."

{In praising customs which accustom to perpetrating treacherous murder, Fakir Musafar here is apparently advocating worldwide mass-murder by treachery.}

pp. 45-6 Sun Dance

p. 45

"George Caitlin in O-Kee-Pa : A Religious Ceremony, and Other Customs of the Mandans, published in 1867, writes : "...

{This caerimony is also practiced by other Great Plains tribes, notably by the Sioux.}

p. 46

The fortitude with which every one of them bore ... the torture surpassed credulity."

{If these Mandan be induced by events in their own dreams to undergo this, it may well be that the dreams were intended (by the dream-deities who composed them) satirically, ironically : the dream-deities may have meant that the Mandan resistance to modern education was so absurd, that such resistance was as foolish as it would be to tear asundre one's own flesh. [written Apr 13 2014]}

The ceremony used to be illegal".

{It ought to have remained illegal.}

p. 49 the sacred Mystery at Pompeii

""the famous scene from the Villa of the Mysteries in Pompeii ... shows a new initiate being scourged -- a point which Gerald [Gardner] referred to in Witchcraft Today." Doreen [Valiente] added,

"... It genuinely raised a cone of power and enabled one to have flashes of clairvoyant vision." In my tradition, Sylvan, we used ritual scourging ... skyclad {nude} ..., and ... funneled the cone of power."

{The "cone of power" raised thereby would naturally be able to function only as appertaining to where (and under what circumstances) it was raised : that raised in an insignificant locale by persons practicing (and advocating) mere nudism, could result merely, in an insignificant way, in local ordinances tolerant of nudism; whereas that raised (as we seek to do) in a centre of govermental authority (national-capitol building or state-capitol building) by persons advocating abolition of capitalism, could result in legislation against capitalism, and thus in the elimination of the basic cause of viciousness and of unnecessary human suffering. [written Apr 13 2014]}



2. Shadows of Our Future

Morning Glory Zell


pp. 53-5 Shadow-Mantle Goth

p. 53

"I had a vision ... while I was in post-orgasmic altered state. I lay deeply immersed in

the dark ... Shadow Mantle of Gaea,

{taken from the Mantle of Shadow" "worn only by vampires" in the Heroes of Gaia ("MSh")?}

free-floating in primordial time. I watched Her strange evolutionary processes transforming species ... . ... I watched ... gyrating wildly to ... gothic blasts of visceral sounds, ... flogging each other ecstatically ... . I asked Gaea what evolutionary force could be afoot in ... artificial and urban ... environments, and the Voice of the Goddess ... told me ... Her own generational

p. 54

experiment with ... the human species. By focusing on sexual imprinting ..., Dream Gaea is trying to turn ... to a stylized, playful form of courtship behavior".

p. 55

"Gaea stirs Her cauldron ... foreshadowing evolutionary metamorphosis."

"MSh" = "Mantle of Shadow" http://heroesofgaia.wikia.com/wiki/Mantle_of_Shadow

p. 54 organized sports?

"Back in the 1960s, ... Konrad Lorenz wrote a book On Aggression, in which he postulated that our species was in fact attempting to evolve beyond warfare by ... bowing ..., and organized sports. I believe he was correct".

{In actuality, competitive sports were contrived by vicious ruling classes in order to habituate folk to striving against foreigners and thus be distracted from the true interest of the working-class, namely the overthrow of the system of capitalism. In true communism, all competitive sports are outlawed. Surely, Konrad Lorenz was a capitalist-hireling stooge-propagandist intent on insidiously destroying the working class.} {Bowing to one's capitalist master is intended (by the ruling class, which invented it) to degrade workers into submissive abused slaves.}



3. Bondage as Spiritual Release

Bridgett Harrington


pp. 61-2 dangling aloft for [to simulate] astral journeys

p. 61

"I strongly recommend that for in depth astral journeys ... to find a team of ... understanding practitioners to help you in your journey. ... Most importantly,

guides can help you find your way back to your body after long journeys ..., and help you find the gate back into your flesh from astral realms.

{Never, in true projection of the astral body, is any assistance (especially not from mere mortals) needed to re-entre one's material body. But such assistance by other mortals is regularly required by ingesters of psychedelic drugs. Quite evidently, the term "astral journeys" is used by the authoress (B.H.) as a canting-code for 'ingestation of psychedelic drugs'.}

I have also seen suspension bondage used ... in astral journeys ... . ...

p. 62

It can also be a very intoxicating tool for astral journeys and vision quests."

pp. 62-3 straps to assist yoga-postures

p. 62

"Attaching a rope to a wall to increase the backbend in Cobra Pose (Bhujanga[-a]sana) is very useful. Using short straps between the hands to stretch out one's shoulders to achieve Cow Face Pose (Go[-m]ukha[-a]sana) is fairly common. ... Common poses that I have seen used in conjunction with rope bondage include ... Nat[.]a[-]r[a]ja[-a]sana (Lord of the Dance Pose -- only in conjunction with overhead points), ... S[`]ava[-a]sana (Corpse Pose -- especially done when tied out to 4 points on a bed), ... and Vr[.]ks[.]a[-a]sana (Tree Pose -- only in conjunction with overhead points)."

p. 63

"A traditional Kata (or style/technique) in Japanese Rope Bondage ... is ... Aosagi, or Heron Pose."



7. Chain of Command, Pt. I

Lydia Helasdottir


pp. 81-2 invocation of the Goddess

p. 81

"Lady of Pestilence and Plague, hear me and accept me into your arms. ...

p. 82

In awe, I step once again onto the grey path and lift my eyes to you."

pp. 82-83 authoress (L.H.) acting as in the manner In-anna, in submitting to Eres`-ki-gal

p. 82

"at the first gate I had been made to kneel. ... And so I was stripped ... . Garlands of office, emblems and signs, ... marks of authority ... and rank, one by one were taken. ... My world is forgotten, flushed in this ...

p. 83

nameless awe. ... Drawn up for examination, ... I have no way to hide. You press open my legs ... . ... You pinch up nipples ..., My Lady."

pp. 85-7 submitting to being scratched, and suffering the aequivalent of molten wax being dripped (by the Sun-goddess) onto her body

p. 85

"Your tongue feels like acid over the weeping flesh, as you taste and decide. Then the scratching starts. Your nails trail the terrible tracks ... . ...

p. 86

There is no panic now, ... the marks of your sucking kisses bright over my breasts and belly. ... In awe, my loins flush for you, the chains pulsing ... . ...

p. 87

The Sun spills upon me in great splashes ..., the splashing and trickles of Sun dripping on my flesh ... . Armor from the Sun, ... cooling and hardening".

pp. 88-9 undergoing the aequivalent of being acupunctured

p. 88

"pinpricks of needles press into my skin... . ...

p. 89

The needles pass from me in a wave of revelations".

pp. 89-91 instilled by the Goddess, is a craving "to hurt girls"

p. 89

"I will don boots and leather ... . I will take up the whips and ropes ... . ... I will perpetrate this sweet divinity upon my flock. Priestess of Pain, Sister of Dragons, Power-Exchange Technician. I am a Walker between the Worlds ... .

p. 90

... It means that I -- ... like every stealer of the Heavenly Fire, like every Conduit {i.e., channeling spirit-medium} -- ... do partake of Divinity ... . A manifestation of ... Goddess on earth, here but ever otherworldly. ... In order to fulfill the obligations of such Office, ... to be worthy of this Awe, ...

p. 91

We must reach far beyond ... to slip on these emblems of Grace. ... We assume the Office of God[dess]-form and the God[dess]-force enters us ... . ... This is the Chain of Command. As for me, I have been tasked to stride the boundaries ... beyond Light and Dark.

And did I mention that I really like to hurt girls ...?"

{But, in order to spare girls from having to be thus hurt by another female, males would like to offer their own bodies to be hurt in in the girls' stead.}



8. Silence

Lydia Helasdottir


p. 93 oaths of silence

"In many traditions, oaths {vows, not "oaths"} of silence are commonplace ... .

In the Western Mystery Tradition one may speak of the {Kemetic (not the Boiotian)} Sphinx as the foundation ... : To Dare, To Will, To Know, To Keep Silent.

With all these things in mind, a 3/0 silk surture was ... passed through my left upper lip."

{Likewise, a dwerg "took strong piece of cord ..., and firmly stitched up the lips of Loki" (according to the Edda -- TN).}

TN = E. M. Wilmot-Buxton : Told by the Northmen. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CCgQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fferrellweb.com%2Fwordpress%2Fwp-content%2Fplugins%2Fdownload-monitor%2Fdownload.php%3Fid%3D25&ei=cyxVU4O9MrTQsATD64CAAQ&usg=AFQjCNF7JnQxycaimDpfk

p. 95 piercing of cheeks

"The Lord Muruga is worshipped by certain the Hindu faithful, invoked by the piercing of the cheeks with a Vel or short spear."

p. 95 finger athwart lips

"Hoor Paar Kraat, the Babe in the Egg, is shown with His finger pressed against His lips in the classic Sign of Silence."

{"Hoor Paar Kraat, ... Harpocrates ... is ... the god of silence" (AUThM, p. 40).} {"Hoor-paar- kraat is the silent god whose minister, Aiwass, communicated The Book of the Law to the Prophet Ankh-af-na-khonsu. In the New Comment, Harpocrates, the "Babe in the Egg of Blue", is described as not only the God of Silence, but as the Higher Self, the Holy Guardian Angel." (ThP"H")}

AUThM = Rodney Orpheus : Abrahadabra: Understanding Aleister Crowley's Thelemic Magic. Looking Glass Pr, Stockholm, 1995. http://books.google.com/books?id=87yNgPJaBscC&pg=PA40&lpg=PA40&dq=

ThP = Thelemapedia, s.v. "Harpocrates". http://www.thelemapedia.org/index.php/Harpocrates



9. Sacred Toys, Holy Tools



pp. 98-111 ritual tools & ritual substances

cardinal direction

BDSM toy


ritual tool or substance


p. 98 "Single-tail whips"


p. 99 "athame"


p. 101 "Dildoes"


p. 102 "ropes and chains"


p. 107 "ice"


p. 108 "sexual lubricant"


p. 110 "cat o'nine tails"


p. 111 molten "wax" from "stearin candles"



10. Incorporating Energy Work



p. 115 soul-sword

"I was initiated into a traditional British-style Gardnerian Wiccan coven ... . As an advanced technique, I learned "soulsword", which is basically creating {extruding, as ectoplasm} ... chi that

could then be used to to fill any long object -- a shinai, a broomstick ... -- or even

just be used by itself, a noncorporeal sword. ... Certainly it was never meant to be used on human beings, or at least my teachers didn't bring that up."

{TTBLTz, pp. 94-5 : "[p. 94] I have three swords," replied K'ung Chou, " ... . You may choose which you like. First, however, let me describe their qualities. The first sword is called ' Light-absorber.' It is invisible to the eye, and when you swing it you cannot tell that there is anything there. Things struck by it retain an unbroken surface, and it will pass through a man's body without his knowing it. The second is called ' Shadow- container.' If you face north and examine it just at the point of dawn, when day meets night and darkness is giving way to light, it appears misty and. dim, as though there were something there, the shape of which is not discernible. Things struck by it give out a low sound, and it passes through men's bodies without causing them any pain. The third is called 'Night-tempered,' because in broad daylight you only see its shadow and not the brightness of its blade, while at night you see not the sword itself but the dazzling light which it emits. [p. 95] The objects which it strikes are cleft through with a sibilant sound, but the line of cleavage closes up immediately."

However, after being drilled in this technique month after month, I found that the "soulsword" would pop out every time I picked up a long thing and swung {swang} it."

TTBLTz = Lionel Giles (transl. ) : Taoist Teachings from the Book of Lieh Tzu. London : John Murray, 1912. https://archive.org/stream/taoistteachingsf00liezrich/taoistteachingsf00liezrich_djvu.txt

pp. 118-9 psychic leash

p. 118

"The dominant should run the energy down the leash and twine it into some chakra of the bottom's. ... Don't use the throat chakra, as it causes strangling ..., or the head chakra which can cause headaches. Once the leash is "attached", ... the bond is there. From this point on, the bottom will have to stay within a certain physical proximity of the top, or ... will ... feel uncomfortable. ...

p. 119

After you're done, the top should deliberately remove the leash from the bottom's chakras. ... Leaving a psychic leash attached for too long can "set" it, resulting in a panic attack for the bottom when it comes off. At the very least, remove it before falling asleep, so it won't get "set".""



11. Opening Up



p. 122 vagina dentata vis-a`-vis yoga of Opening

"In ancient Hindu Tantric writings, the female is spoken of as "devouring" and the male as "giving forth", trustingly placing his vulnerable organ into the raw mouth {vagina} of Death {cf. of death-goddess Hine-nui-te-Po} and risking never getting it back. ...

{When, vice versa, the male is doing the "devouring" of the female, then the woman is risking her vulnerable body-tissue by trustingly allowing the man to suck her praeputium clitoridis into his mouth. (To obviate such a risk, a dental guard/dam may be placed between the man's lips and his gums/teeth.)}

A cunt can be a classic "vagina dentata", toothed ... . ...

{Among humans, this is usually encountred only as a myth, or perhaps in a dream. But a bitch is able to grasp a dog's penis with her vagina; and some female cephalopods (squids and octopodes) actually do break off the male's penis to remain in her vagina.}

To penetrate in[to] this space {within a vagina of a woman who is control of such psychic powers} is to experience the energy of Kali, the Devouring Mother, the predator {praedatrix} cunt."

p. 123 sexual violations may develop into sexual yoga for sexual magic

"separate from the poles of Violating Rapist Fuck

(which can be a good deal of fun ...)

{more fun, perhaps, to watch as a spectator than to perform : for performance may require some energetic wrestling}

and Devouring Beast-Mouth [of Kali (p. 122) {or of Maori goddess Hine-nui-te-Po}], there is the sexual yoga of Opening. This discipline can be used as sex magic for such things as divining, prophecy, preparation for magic or shamanic work, spirit-possession, or any energy work where an open channel must be created".

"Penetration by someone's genitals is a wonderful thing".

p. 124 usefulness of the hands in erotic activities

"The hand is ... more flexible than any phallus, flesh or otherwise ... . It can feel resistance and yielding better than any penis ..., and can work around them."

{For these sort of reasons, the hands are useful in massaging (of the squeezing sort, though the feet are more energetic in doing a rub-down). In erotic activities, massaging usually will consume most of the muscular effort.}

pp. 127-30 "Opening" one's self to deities by erotic means

p. 127

"The anecdotal information seems to suggest that getting vaginally fucked every time you {a woman} have sex -- especially ... daily or at least a few times a week -- somehow ... that prevents Opening. That does ... mean that ... if a woman wants to use this form of Opening {to deities} with her cunt, it might be useful to abstain from penetration [i.e., for her to abstain from being penetrated by the penis of a mortal man] and

utilize alternative sexual practices ... .

{such as, being irrumated by a man}

Or, alternatively (like many women who use this practice), she can keep her vagina for recreational sex[ual intercourse] and

practice Opening with her anus, which works ... well with women".

{She could allow a man to perform "Opening" of her anus by anilinctus (rimming) of her.}

p. 128

"At this point,

{while having her anus penetrated by a man's tongue?}

I find that I feel the Opening beginning the back of my head.

{This is the opening to goddess Id.a, who is resident at the rear of one's head; it is the initial event toward the activation of Ajn~a cakra.}

It's as if a doorway ... is slowly opening there, and

I always think that I can see stars through it.

{The type of subtle-plane asterism thus viewed would be /naks.a-tra/ (< /nah/, Nesite /nag/ 'to undress' [scil., e.g., In-anna], cf. Latin /noct/ 'night').}

Stars ..., I get the strong feeling that on the other side of that orifice is the {Divine} Cosmos, the web {woven by the AmerIndian Spider-Woman?} of all things, and when it gets wide enough I can just reach through and grab what information I want, or at least let it pour into me. ...

The job of the receiver {of anilinctus?} is to relax, concentrate, and feel that hole in the back of your head expand with your lower hole {her anus, being distended by some man's tongue?}. ...

For some, having an orgasm as a part of this process is a distraction; for others it's a necessity. I'm in the latter category.

{It may be implied that besides one man penetrating her anus with his tongue, a second man is simultaneously sucking her clitoris in order to provide her with the requisite orgasm.}

I find that a good strong orgasm will temporarily "fix open" the hole in [the rear of] my head, so that it takes a longer time to start closing down. Otherwise, it will begin to close down immediately. Of course, ...

that orgasm should be delayed

{by briefly halting the man's sucking her clitoris?}

until the Opening s wide enough ... .

p. 129

I've found that this is an excellent preparation for serious divining, of the sort that requires clear answers from Gods or spirits, or going straight into someone's Akashic {Akas`ik} records. ... It is very good for prophecy, or being an oracle in general. It is useful in preparation for channeling spirits or ritual god-possession ... . It can be used as preparation for journeying, pathwalking, or anything that requires sending out part of your astral body; you just go out through that nice door that's Opened up in your head."

"it seems that the more bound up a sexual activity is with one's gender roles, the less useful it is for this kind of thing. That's because being forced out of your gender role is a requirement for regular Walking Between Worlds".

{The types of erotic activities which are less "with one's gender roles" are those which do not involve the genitalia : kissing the face, and massaging the shoulders and the back would be examples of this.}


Raven Kaldera (editrix) : Dark Moon Rising : Pagan BDSM and the Ordeal Path. Asphodel Pr, Hubbardston (MA), 2006.